2021 NYSEG Community Energy Program Request For Information

Sustainable Westchester will issue a Request for Information in the beginning of August soliciting interest from potential bidders for the NYSEG communities in the Westchester Power Community Choice Aggregation electricity supply program. The links to the RFI and subsequent RFP, as well as clarifications issued during the process will be posted on this page. Firms qualified to supply in the NYSEG service territory who have interest in this bid and want to be notified may email Luke Nemes at TransparentEnergy, [email protected].


Download the RFI and other documents below

RFI, RFP Clarification or Corrections

The redline below was marked up from the previous NYSEG to show how we got to the 8-28 revision posted.  These edits were made reinforce and clarify the original meaning, not to change substance.

We will post any clarifications that may arise during the process here. Any that give rise to changes in the ESA format will be noted and marked up in the redline.

ESA redline

2021-11-18: We confirmed with DPS that we are not able to deduct the RPS obligations in determining the REC purchase requirement for our 100% emissions free
product. The corresponding Exhibit A Part 2 “100% New York Voluntary Tier II Clean Power RECs ” clause has been modified accordingly. We have included a line which provides for the possibility that we might convince DPS to allow us to net out the RPS obligation, in which case the cost reduction is passed through to customers.