EnergySmart HOMES helps residents learn about cleaner ways to heat and cool their homes, access vetted energy efficiency experts and simplified financing. Scroll down this page to learn more about the technologies and resources available and then sign up for your home energy assessment.
- Is your oil burner or furnace ready to be replaced?
- Do you want to gain summertime air-conditioning?
- Have you been considering a switch to gas but are unable to?
- Interested in converting your home from expensive fossil fuel heating to clean equipment powered by renewable energy?

Understanding the Technology Options
EnergySmart HOMES can help you achieve energy bliss. Get started by signing up with EnergySmart HOMES to experience the many benefits of an energy efficient home.
How Does the Process Work?
A EnergySmart HOMES-approved local installer completes an energy assessment of your home, and gives you a detailed report outlining the results and recommendations.
Choose the improvements and financing that fit your needs. In many cases, a homeowner’s annual savings meet or exceed the annual loan costs.
Your EnergySmart HOMES-approved contractor installs the technologies in your home; you enjoy comfort and cost savings, and we all benefit from your home’s reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

How can I get my
municipality involved
in EnergySmart HOMES?
Option 1: Request a presentation, flyers/materials for distribution, information for your website, a banner for your community and more.
Option 2: Establish a special EnergySmart Homes campaign, a robust 28-week community outreach campaign with the goal of dramatically increasing the number of existing clean heating and cooling installations in your municipality.
Option 3: Sustainable Westchester can help your municipality or sustainability group easily participate in a Clean Energy Communities Community (CEC) Campaign for Clean Heating & Cooling and Energy Efficiency. Learn how the EnergySmart Homes program can help bring heat pumps, geothermal, and energy efficiency to your friends and neighbors, while potentially earning a $5,000-$15,000 NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities Action Grant and 500 High Impact Action points for your municipality. Act now to receive funding before it runs out!
To get your municipality started, please contact [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
We are happy to help you navigate your options!
Review your options and frequently asked questions:
- Air Source Heat Pumps
- Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Energy Efficiency
- Heat Pump Hot Water Heater
- Incentives & Financing
- AND, you can then join the other satisfied customers whose homes are more comfortable year round, realize energy efficiency and savings and have made a positive impact on the environment.
- Success Stories and Testimonials