Con Edison with Westchester
Power & Community Solar
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1. ACCOUNT INFORMATION: includes key details, including your account number. Also displays the next meter reading.
2. BILLING SUMMARY: Breakdown of bill, including payments made; new, unpaid, or late payment charges; the number of days in your billing period; and the total balance due. ESCO Electricity Charges is the charge for your electrify supply for you participation in Westchester Power. “Con Ed Electricity Charges” is the charge from Con Edison for the delivery of your electricity. “Adjustments” is the credit you are receiving for your participation in a Community Solar Project.
3. MESSAGE CENTER: Offers, messages any bill adjustments or corrections, and other service notices appear here and may continue on the next page.
4. PAYMENT SLIP: This should be returned with your check or money order payment. Want to make future payments automatically? Check the box to easily enroll in Auto-Pay starting with your next bill.
5. SERVICE CHARGE DETAILS: Shows your account information including: Electric Service, Electricity Rate or Rate Class, Service Dates, Billed Usage, and Type of Read.
Rate – Shows the type of customer you are listed as. In many cases it will be residential, but for commercial properties it could say non-residential. Why does it matter? ConEd determines which class a user falls into and those determine the price you pay per each kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity delivered to your property.
Service Dates – The dates for which you are being billed.
Billed Usage – Your electric usage is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh), which is a measure of how many kilowatts (1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts) of electricity you used over the period of an hour. The usage for a given bill is based on your meter read period.
Supply Charges: The product of your electricity usage and your electric rate. Your electric rate reflects the cost it takes to generate a unit of electricity in your area.
Delivery Charges: This is what you pay ConEed to deliver electricity to your household or property. It includes charges for reading and maintaining meters, and related taxes and surcharges. Delivery is always provided by the utility. Delivery charges are the same whether you get supply from ConEd or Westchester Power or from your own ESCO.
6. AVERAGE DAILY USAGE GRAPHS: Your average daily energy use. A temperature average overlay lets you see how your usage shifts with the seasons.
7. WAYS TO PAY YOUR BILL: Choose how to pay your bill
8. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY DETAILS: Summary of electricity supply charges, usage in kWh and rate of pay. Contact information for the electricity supplier can also be found with your supplier account number..
9. CONTACT US: Contact information.
10. UNDERSTANDING YOUR BILL: Account crediting information through Con Edison in the event of a power outage.