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La Mora Affordable Housing: Investing in and Serving the Community Through Clean Energy Leadership
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
11:30AM-1:00PM Webinar on Zoom

Come learn about the decision making and design processes to make La Mora, the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers’ newest senior affordable housing project, a reality complete with passive house design including clean heating and cooling.

The 60-unit, 4-story all-electric complex is co-developed by MHACY and the Mulford Corporation, and is located at 23 Mulberry Street. Hear from the project team including Perkins Eastman, Steven Tilly, Mulford Corporation, and MHACY, about why they decided to build a net-zero ready project, how they coordinated a team of experts to design it, and what the critical design elements entailed.

Learn about how they leveraged the EnergyStar Multifamily New Construction program followed as part of the HCR funding requirements to lower operating costs, increase indoor air quality, and optimize tenant comfort.

Webinar attendees who operate, own, develop, or design affordable housing will leave the event with state, utility, and federal government resources to help them decarbonize existing buildings and design new multifamily projects for our fossil fuel-free 21st century economy.

This is a past event. Video recording coming soon.