July 8, 2020 Request For Information Announcement

The contract for Westchester Power municipalities in the NYSEG utility territory ends on November 30, 2020. Sustainable Westchester will be issuing an RFP at the end of July / beginning of August for a supplier to service the territory starting December 1, 2020. Sustainable Westchester has released a Request for Information to identify qualified suppliers for the July solicitation. Interested firms should provide their response by July 27, 2020.

Download the RFI and the Electric Service Agreement format below

RFI Correction notice:

Item 4. in the RFI as originally issued asked for information about potential day/night (time of use) offerings. We do not intend to request such product options for this solicitation, so this item should be disregarded. The downloadable RFI document has been updated to reflect this, but bidders can simply skip this item.

Corrections and updates to ESA format:

We’ll note anything discovered or modified here, record them in the redline linked below, and this will be the basis for the final signing document.

Click here for redline which includes changes noted below.

Page 5, 8th Whereas clause – contract end date said November 30, 2019, but should be 2020.

Article 1.29 – reference to 2016 ESA should be 2019 (the current ESA).

Article 5.7 – addition of annual mailing obligation as already indicated in item n. of the RFP

Article 7.5 – auction fee and payment mechanism added.

ESA, RFI Downloads

Confidentiality Agreement For Access To Aggregated Data

Contact: Dan Welsh [email protected].

RFP and Clarifications


RFP Clarifications:

There are two fees associated with the supply contract payable by the winning supplier(s) –

  • Program Manager administrative fee as indicated in 7.2 of the ESA, $0.001 for each kWh delivered, invoiced and paid for by Participating Consumers during the Term.
  • The winning supplier also pays the auction fee of $0.10 per mWh ($0.0001 per kWh)