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Request for Information: Renewable Energy Alternative Cooling & Heating (REACH) Peekskill and Yonkers

By RFPs/Opportunities

Sustainable Westchester (SW) invites building owners in Peekskill and Yonkers to respond to the REACH offering which aims to decarbonize your building(s) and assess the feasibility of connection to a municipality-led Thermal Energy Network (TEN). REACH compliments SW’s current project with the Cities of Peekskill and Yonkers to develop renewable energy infrastructure for heating and cooling*. If your building is selected, SW will work with you to identify the highest resource-efficient energy reduction and electrification methods, employing strategies and technologies that maximize financial incentives and reduce risks.

Decarbonize Your Building and Receive a Free TEN Pre-Feasibility Assessment


Eligibility Peekskill and Yonkers building owners and operators of commercial buildings such as affordable housing, non-profits, schools, houses of worship, community centers, mixed-use, municipal buildings, and others are eligible for this cost-cutting decarbonization service.
Q&A We welcome the opportunity to answer questions and assist with your submission, inquire by completing this form by May 31, 2024: Building Owner Q&A Form 
Webinar  June 20, 2024, register at this link today.
Due Date Complete this form by July 26, 2024
View the full RFI RFI REACH Building Owners

*Read more about SW’s Municipal TEN Accelerator project and how TENs offer efficient, fossil fuel-free heating and cooling via interconnected pipe loops, fostering community resilience, public health, and economic benefits:

Seeking to partner with geothermal drill rig manufacturer to create Geothermal Driller Training Program

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Seeking to partner with geothermal drill rig manufacturer to create Geothermal Driller Training Program

2024 Earth Day & GridRewards Recognition at Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s Weekly Address

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2024 Earth Day & GridRewards Recognition at Westchester County Executive George Latimer’s Weekly Address

April 22, 2024 

GridRewards Energy Savings Program Pays Consumers, Improves Environmental Impact, and Helps the Electric Grid When it Matters the Most 

(our feature begins a quarter way through the recording, at minute 12:30)

GridRewards is a free program administered by Sustainable Westchester, the county’s leading advocate for community resilience and provider of renewable energy, that pays consumers to lower their energy consumption during periods of extremely hot weather when people typically crank their air conditioners and electricity demand spikes.

The easy-to-use GridRewards app, powered by Logical Buildings is part of Con Edison’s Smart Usage Rewards program. More than 3,500 residents and businesses in Westchester County have signed up for GridRewards to date, and on average, each residential user received a direct cash payment of $80, with the top commercial users earning more than $20,000. During the summer of 2022, users’ combined efforts reduced energy consumption by 7MW, enough electricity to instantaneously power 25,000 homes.

The benefits of participating in GridRewards are two-fold: in addition to saving money, the program reduces the regional energy grid’s reliance on “peaker plants,” a reserve network of antiquated fossil-fuel power plants. These facilities are believed by many to be responsible for planet-warming carbon emissions and health problems that disproportionately impact low-income communities of color where the plants operate. Peaker plants exist in neighborhoods like the South Bronx and sections of Brooklyn and Queens where asthma rates remain among the highest in the state. In New York City, 78% of people living within one mile of a peaker plant are low-income or people of color.

“New York’s ability to achieve its ambitious environmental goals depends on innovative and community-led programs like GridRewards,” said Jim Kuster, Interim Executive Director at Sustainable Westchester. “During a time when most household finances are tight and people are reminded daily about the looming threats posed by climate change, GridRewards offers an easy-to-follow path for saving money and reducing their environmental impact.”

“I first downloaded the GridRewards app in 2021, and I was amazed how easy it was to begin earning cash and protecting the environment. You simply enter your ConEd account number, respond to alerts through the app, and get paid. Easiest money I ever made,” said Gregory Spock, Pelham resident.

The GridRewards program has been supported by a broad and diverse range of County residents, businesses, renewable energy advocates, municipalities, schools and elected officials. During Earth Week, Westchester County Executive George Latimer held a press conference promoting the program. Members of the New Rochelle High School community were present at the event to share their experiences with GridRewards. Carmen Glenn, AP Environmental Science and Biology Teacher at New Rochelle High School explained how the Green Schools Committee worked with their Facilities Director Keith Watkins to implement the program.

Keyera Gordon, senior at New Rochelle, who serves at the Co-President of New Rochelle High School’s Green Club and is a Student Representative on the Ecology & Natural Resources Advisory Committee within the city of New Rochelle remarked “ on this beautiful Earth Day, I am delighted to speak about the GridRewards Initiative. Our Green Club board has been promoting the GridRewards mobile app in which people can link their utility account and once signed up with their energy provider login details, they can track their electricity and gas usage over time.. Advocating for this initiative, I and the rest of our Green Club board hope to increase awareness of energy usage, educating others about how they can personally benefit from decreased electricity use. We can provide a way for people to save money while also lowering their carbon footprint. This is the first step in the direction of increased sustainability and environmental awareness on a community-wide scale.”

The mayors of several Westchester towns including Hastings-on Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington, Ardsley, Tarrytown, Elmsford, and Sleepy Hollow urged residents to sign up. Con Edison-serviced municipalities, businesses, and residents are all eligible to participate in GridRewards and can sign up through Sustainable Westchester’s website or by downloading the GridRewards app in the App Store. New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) customers can also sign up to receive notifications when GridRewards is available in their areas.

Municipal TEN Accelerator

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Municipal T.E.N. (Thermal Energy Network) Accelerator will Help Municipalities Reduce Reliance on Fossil Fuels, Lower Costs, Achieve Climate Goals, and Increase Equitable Access to Clean Energy

Mount Kisco, N.Y. March 11, 2024 – Sustainable Westchester, Westchester County’s leading resource for local municipalities striving to make their communities safer and more resilient against the threats posed by climate change, announced today that it secured a $92,000 grant to help the City of Yonkers and the City of Peekskill lay the groundwork for critical new forms of clean energy infrastructure. The grant was made possible by the Westchester Community Foundation, a division of The New York Community Trust, one of the largest community foundations in the country with assets of approximately $3 billion.

Through the grant, the organization’s Municipal T.E.N. (Thermal Energy Network) Accelerator will help support the creation of community thermal energy networks (CTEN) in each municipality, a popular emerging clean energy technology that has been recognized for its ability to decarbonize buildings while lowering energy costs and ensuring a clear path to a more inclusive green economy. CTENs leverage a network of pipes and heat pumps to distribute clean thermal energy to buildings connected to the infrastructure, from ground, air, wastewater and surface water sources.

Under the Utility Thermal Energy Network and Jobs Act signed by Governor Kathy Hochul in 2022, New York became the first state in the nation to enact legislation promoting the development of thermal energy networks on a larger scale. The law dictates that a certain number of projects must be located in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by pollution and environmental justice issues, and the City of Yonkers and the City of Peekskill are home to 44 percent of Westchester’s Disadvantaged Communities Census Tracts as identified by New York State.

“The City of Yonkers’ strongly supports the widespread adoption of clean energy and is deeply committed to achieving the goals outlined in the City’s visionary Climate Action Plan,” said City of Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano. “Encouraging the development and use of large-scale community thermal energy networks will help advance our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase access to reliable and affordable clean energy, and protect our residents against the impacts of climate change.”

“Partnering with Sustainable Westchester to implement state-of-the-art community energy thermal networks is the latest example of our City doing everything in its power to address climate change head on and become a more sustainable municipality,” said City of Peekskill Mayor Vivian McKenzie. “This initiative will transform the way Peekskill incorporates climate solutions in its buildings, and it creates more pathways for residents of all backgrounds to access reliable and affordable clean energy.”

“Addressing climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and equitably decarbonizing our County depends on leveraging every tool at our disposal,” said Rachel Carpitella, Sustainable Westchester Program Director, Building Decarbonization. “Community thermal energy networks can play a pivotal role in building community wealth and health while reducing energy burden and reliance on polluting fossil fuels for a diverse range of residents. Through the Municipal T.E.N. Accelerator we look forward to establishing a successful model for speeding the implementation of this critical technology, which can be replicated by municipalities across Westchester and beyond to achieve their climate goals.”

Thwarting the widespread adoption of CTEN technologies, however, are complex and occasionally prohibitive municipal codes and permits, inconsistent processes from one municipality to the next, and a general lack of understanding by local constituencies of how of these critical technologies operate.

As part of the grant, Sustainable Westchester will help the City of Yonkers and the City of Peekskill adopt a uniform industry standard to fast track CTEN installations, and establish a clear and consistent set of rules to encourage more CTEN investments across Westchester. It is hoped that by creating a successful blueprint, municipalities throughout New York can replicate it in service of the State’s climate, clean energy, and environmental justice goals.

Sustainable Westchester’s partner in the grant is the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA).

“In order to achieve a more sustainable and decarbonized future in Westchester and across the globe, we must encourage the widespread adoption of the cleanest and most efficient heating and cooling technology available,” said Jeff Hammond, Executive Director of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association.

Sustainable Westchester launched the first-of-its-kind REACH offering to partner with municipalities to develop, administer, and operate CTENs and to help commercial building owners decarbonize their properties and potentially connect to a CTEN. Interested municipalities and commercial building owners can contact the Building Decarbonization Team [email protected].


About Sustainable Westchester

Sustainable Westchester is a leading resource for local municipalities, residents, and businesses striving to make their communities safer and more resilient against the threats posed by climate change. Acting as a hub for innovative programming, extensive relationships, and effective advocacy, Sustainable Westchester has been at the forefront of regional and statewide efforts to achieve a clean energy transition, conserve natural resources, promote environmental justice, and help member communities become more prosperous, healthy, resilient, and equitable.  For more about the organization and its activities, please visit

Job and Resource Fair flyer

FREE Clean Energy Careers Jobs and Resource Fair

By past events

Date: Wednesday, April 3rd
Time: 2:00-7:00PM

Westchester County Clean Energy Careers Job and Resources Fair –  the first-ever FREE Clean Energy Career Job and Resource Fair will be held on April 3rd, 2024 from 2-7pm at Pace University in White Plains.  All Westchester residents are encouraged to come learn about high paying careers in the clean energy sector and network with industry professionals.   Our keynote speaker will share insights about the incredible opportunities in this growing industry and the Jobs and Training panel presentations will do a deep dive into what’s available to Westchester residents.   

Click here to register

Questions?: Contact Yasmin Najjar

[email protected]

Making Smart Energy Choices with the Mid Hudson Energy Hub

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Making Smart Energy Choices with the Mid Hudson Energy Hub

Helping Low-Income and Underserved Households Access the Clean Energy Economy

Members of the Mid Hudson Regional Clean Energy Hub.

Members of the Mid Hudson Regional Clean Energy Hub.

In 2022, New York State awarded $52 million to establish 12 Regional Clean Energy Hubs throughout the state, which serve as centers of outreach, awareness, and education that help foster residents’ participation, especially those in underserved or otherwise disadvantaged communities, in New York’s clean energy transition.

In its first year, the Mid-Hudson Regional Clean Energy Hub (under the name Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson) has assembled a team of 16 members across nine organizations to serve the seven-county Mid-Hudson region, covering Dutchess, Putnam, Westchester, Rockland, Sullivan, Orange, and Ulster Counties. Energy Advisors located in each county are available to help renters, homeowners, small businesses, and nonprofits navigate the programs and resources available to them to reduce their energy burden. Importantly, Energy Advisors are educators and not salespeople. Their goal is to help utility customers make informed energy decisions based on their unique needs. Read on to see our one-year impact report.

“Everybody is hurting from higher energy costs. But not a lot of people know what exactly to do about it,” said Frankie Lede, an Energy Advisor based in Rockland County. “As an Energy Advisor within the Clean Energy Hub, I can be an educator or a resource for helping people address their energy issues. That is my motivation for doing my job.”

“It’s the human ecology aspect of the work that I can be most helpful,” said Mike Murphy, an Energy Advisor based in Ulster County. “I enjoy helping people navigate some of the complex programs that are available so that they can find comfort in their own homes and not have to suffer energy insecurity, and also help the planet too, so that their children and their children’s children might have a place to thrive.”

In the program’s first year, Energy Advisors provided direct education to over 5,500 individuals through participation in 183 in-person and virtual events, and counseled over 600 households on clean energy programs. After talking with an Energy Advisor, one in three households acted on an energy program or project, 36% of which were connected with low-income programs and wrap-around services.

“We are working hard to increase our services to those households with the highest energy burdens,” said Collin Adkins, Co-Director for the Mid-Hudson Regional Clean Energy Hub. A home’s energy burden is the proportion of total household income spent on energy. “Forty-two percent of our neighbors are considered low-to-moderate income. It’s far too common for these families to be spending 20% or more of their income, just to pay their utility bills.”

Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson is proud to be working with Sustainable Westchester to provide outreach and education throughout Westchester County. “Sustainable Westchester is able to help people from soup to nuts. We’ve got a list of recommended contractors, and we’re able to walk people through which technologies may be best for them. We try to help at every stage, provide information about the rebates, help narrow down the list of contractors, and also share the stories of the successful installations and neighbors that are happy with their projects,” said Sustainable Westchester’s EnergySmart Homes Director, Lauren Brois.

Lauren Kroell, also of Sustainable Westchester, said “There’s no problem that I feel isn’t solvable. … Whatever I can do, even if there’s not a lot that we can accomplish in the moment or at that specific time period, I want to emphasize that we’re always here to see what we can do, and I’m always eager to explore new potential options as well.”

“I was able to use some of [NYSERDA’s] programs, and I thought they were great. And when I found out that [Cornell Cooperative Extension] was hiring, and they needed help reaching out to the low- to moderate-income demographic, especially the Spanish speaking demographic, I thought it’d be a good fit. And I’ve always been in that sustainable world and being able to reduce my carbon footprint, so that was very attractive for me,” said Fernando Ahumada, an Energy Advisor based in Orange County.

On workforce development initiatives, NYCP’s Education and Careers Coordinator Cal Trumann, said “There’s lots of people doing good work, but they’re pretty siloed. And so, my hope is to provide resources to contractors, to new businesses, to workers, to community organizations who try and support workers, but also to provide a network of some sort. That is what I’m excited about, trying to get people into these jobs, make sure they know about them, make sure the jobs are good.”

Interested households can connect with their local Energy Advisor by calling the Mid-Hudson Energy Hotline at 845-605-0580, email [email protected], or fill out our intake form at

Westchester residents can reach out to Sustainable Westchester’s EnergySmart Homes team by calling 914024204725 ext.122 or emailing [email protected].

Expanding Opportunities in the Clean Energy Workforce

In addition to the services offered by the Energy Advisors, Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson is also thrilled to be working with New Yorkers for Clean Power (NYCP) to increase diversity and opportunities in the clean energy workforce in the Hudson Valley.

NYCP and Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson recently co-launched a statewide coalition called Clean Energy Careers New York, which aims to help residents learn more about the green economy and give them the tools they need to join it. NYCP’s Education and Careers Coordinator, Cal Trumann, has already helped organize several career summits under this effort so far, with a special focus on racial, gender and economic equity.

“There’s lots of people doing good work, but they’re pretty siloed,” said Cal. “And so, my hope is to provide resources to contractors, to new businesses, to workers, to community organizations who try and support workers, but also to provide a network of some sort. That is what I’m excited about, trying to get people into these jobs, make sure they know about them, make sure the jobs are good.”

As New York’s energy transition accelerates, residents, businesses and communities across the State will have access to new opportunities to benefit from the clean energy economy including clean energy careers, home improvements, even rebates for businesses and personal transportation. NYCP is working with Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson to build upon New York’s clean job pathway and expand outreach and resources on clean energy jobs. Together their efforts to help communities access programs to lower their energy burden and grow local clean energy careers is an ideal pairing of services.

Regional Needs Assessment

Despite some early successes, the Hudson Valley’s energy transition presents many obstacles, particularly for low-income and underserved communities. Forty-two percent of census tracts in the region have been classified by New York’s Climate Justice Working Group as “Disadvantaged Communities,” based on their environmental burden and climate change risk, population characteristics, and health vulnerabilities. The region is often noted for its historic yet energy-inefficient building stock, 59% of which was built before 1970, and electricity costs in the Mid-Hudson Region are higher than average utility prices relative to N.Y. and U.S. averages.

“We are working hard to increase our services to those households with the highest energy burdens,” said Collin Adkins, Co-Director for the Mid-Hudson Regional Clean Energy Hub. A home’s energy burden is the proportion of total household income spent on energy. “Forty-two percent of our neighbors are considered low-to-moderate income. It’s far too common for these families to be spending 20% or more of their income, just to pay their utility bills.”

In early 2024, Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson will be hosting a series of public forums to engage disadvantaged communities in a regional needs assessment that will help direct the efforts of the program. With our underserved communities’ participation, the Hub will develop an Equitable Engagement Plan that will determine the strategic priorities for $250,000 in community campaign support and $300,000 in pilot project funding.

“Growing up in an area that’s heavily involved in the clean energy transition, and seeing the disparities between income, it’s made very clear who’s able to be involved in the clean energy transition. So, it’s important to be able to create that equity [regarding] who benefits from the funding,” said Amanda Catale, an Energy Advisor based in Putnam County.

“I just love helping people and making a difference in their lives by connecting them with resources that they sometimes desperately need,” said Faith Laudano, an Energy Advisor based in Dutchess County.

Awareness of programs and resources alone isn’t going to help New York meet its energy targets. Research consistently shows there are barriers to enrolling in programs, economic obstacles, difficulty during installations, and an excess of misconceptions that prevent people from realizing the full benefits of clean energy investments. In order to design their outreach and engagement to specifically address the many barriers that can arise, Smart Energy Choices – Mid-Hudson is partnering with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) to complete a regional needs assessment in coordination with the communities they serve.

“So many factors pose challenges for communities’ access to clean energy. At CBI, we coordinate efforts to understand and solve such multi-dimensional problems, and this regional needs assessment is precisely that kind of project,” said Melanie Gárate, Senior Associate, Consensus Building Institute (CBI). “I’m eager to help these communities find a way forward and address barriers, by doing targeted, intentional outreach to local leaders and residents.”

Mid Hudson Clean Energy Hub, Year 1 Impact Report.

Mid Hudson Clean Energy Hub, Year 1 Impact Report.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Sustainable Westchester & Local Municipal Leaders Address Earth Day and Discuss GridRewards™ Program

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Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Sustainable Westchester & Local Municipal Leaders Address Earth Day and Discuss GridRewards™ Program

April 19, 2023

Local speakers discuss how Westchester residents and businesses can receive cash rewards for lowering their energy consumption this summer

See the full press release from Westchester County here 

During Earth Week, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, Sustainable Westchester & Local Municipal Leaders held a press conference to discuss Sustainable Westchester’s GridRewards™ Program and other current initiatives residents can participate in to improve the County’s environmental impact. Speakers included local leaders driving the charge to lower the region’s carbon footprint, including Jim Kuster, Interim Executive Director of Sustainable Westchester, David Klatt, COO of Logical Buildings and Alex Von Braun, Board Member of 175 Huguenot in New Rochelle, along with Hastings-on-Hudson Mayor, Nicola Armacost.

Latimer said: “Demand response programs, empower Westchester residents and businesses to take control of their energy usage to earn cash back and reduce pollution. By lowering electricity usage at key times, we can collectively reduce the need for the utility to bring peaker plants. I am proud to partner with Sustainable Westchester to encourage residents to enroll in this program – similar to what your County Government is doing with our buildings.”

The event discussed how residents and businesses can participate in GridRewards™, a platform created by Logical Buildings and promoted through Sustainable Westchester. When high energy demand is forecasted, GridRewards™ provides users the opportunity to earn cash by reducing energy use at peak times. This can be achieved through simple actions including waiting to perform energy-intensive tasks such as running dishwashers, laundry machines and air-conditioning until the demand response event has passed.

Sustainable Westchester Interim Executive Director Jim Kuster said: “In 2020, Sustainable Westchester launched the first residential demand response program in the County, GridRewards, in partnership with Logical Buildings. This was made possible once ConEd had deployed smart meter infrastructure across its service area. In the subsequent three years, Sustainable Westchester has focused on raising awareness of the benets of the demand response program to residents and municipalities, and to grid infrastructure and the local environment. As a non-prot, Sustainable Westchester remains dedicated to maximizing the benets to our municipal members and their residents.”

In honor of Earth month, Mayors from Hastings to Sleepy Hollow have engaged in an annual competition by urging residents to sign up for GridRewards™ by April 28 to illustrate the importance of synchronicity when it comes to reducing energy consumption. Last summer, single family homeowners, apartment dwellers and commercial businesses utilized Logical Buildings and Sustainable Westchester’s GridRewards™ program.

Through their participation, these users created a combined load reduction of 7MW, up from an estimated 3.5- 4MW in 2021, enough electricity to instantaneously power 25,000 homes. The same program is now available for Westchester residents to participate in for the 2023 peak energy season.

In a similar program, the County partners with NuEnergen to administer a Demand Response program on many Westchester County buildings. On days of peak energy usage in the area, the County powers down certain properties in order to earn real dollars, offsetting both energy use and taxpayer funds.

About GridRewards™

 GridRewards™ was developed in 2019 by Logical Buildings, an AI technology solutions leader in sustainability, smart building and virtual power plant software and a solutions provider for the built world. The rm’s revolutionary technologies combat climate change by empowering residential, commercial, and industrial energy users to earn money, enhance building health and reduce carbon footprints through user-friendly, award-winning mobile apps. GridRewards™ was initially introduced as a digital program in 2019. It was launched as a free app in spring 2021 and is downloadable via the Apple Store and Google Play. Logical Buildings, which was founded in 2012 as a smart building technology software developer, IoT and DER systems integrator, and smart building services provider, currently operates in major national urban markets, including New York, Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C., Camden, Chicago, and Miami, and more. To learn more, visit and follow Logical Buildings on LinkedIn.

About Sustainable Westchester

 Sustainable Westchester is a nonprofit consortium of Westchester County local municipalities facilitating effective collaboration resulting in sustainability initiatives and cutting-edge innovation.  Our goal is to bring socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable solutions that create resilient, healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities.