Date: Tuesday, February 6th Time: 4:00-8:00PM
(Snow date: Thursday, February 8th)
Concerned about high energy bills? In need of financial assistance to implement energy saving projects in your home or apartment? Stop by the “Peekskill Winter Assistance Workshop” at Sun River Health on Tuesday, February 6th (snow date 2/8/24) anytime between 4:00pm-8:00pm. Meet with representatives from the Department of Public Service, NYSERDA, Homes and Community Renewal, the Peekskill Conservation Advisory Council and the Mid-Hudson Smart Energy Choices team. For an easier application, bring a copy of your energy bills, and/or your SNAP/HEAP/TANIF/SSI approval letter. Registration is not required but requested, please RSVP here:
Location: Sun River Health, 1037 Main St, Peekskill, NY 10566
Pizza will be provided.
Questions? Contact Lauren at 914-242-4725 x126