Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling Roundtable: Funds for Advanced Efficiency Projects and Growth for HVAC Businesses, NYSERDA’s Real Time Energy Management Opportunities – Sustainable Westchester Skip to main content

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Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling Roundtable: Funds for Advanced Efficiency Projects and Growth for HVAC Businesses, NYSERDA’s Real Time Energy Management Opportunities

Tuesday Nov 1, 2022
11am – 1pm
Hosted by Rachel Carpitella, Program Director of Clean Heating and Cooling, Sustainable Westchester

Join the conversation around Real Time Energy Management (RTEM) to learn about the tools available to improve building performance as we transition to a clean heating and cooling standard. RTEM’s effectiveness is in the powerful combination of automated technology and human services which operate together to provide a valuable tool to increase efficiency & reliability when operating new heat pumps. RTEM continuously collects live energy performance data in a cloud-based system, where it is analyzed in order to provide concrete and actionable energy conservation recommendations, which boosts the bottom line, grants real-time visibility into equipment performance, improves reliability while preserving staff knowledge, and frees your staff from routine monitoring.

NYSERDA’s Cody Glavey-Weiss will present two opportunities for technical assistance and funding to implement RTEM.

  • NYSERDA is offering a 33 percent cost-share incentive for RTEM+Tenant project expenses, and a 30% cost-share for Commercial Small Businesses. These include hardware, installation, and up to three years of ongoing support from energy experts. That means that up to 33 percent of all eligible costs are covered upfront, so you won’t pay full price or have to wait for rebates.
  • Solution providers will be able to learn how to become a Qualified Vendor for the RTEM+Tenant and RTEM Small Business programs.

Thank You to Our Sponsors: Empowered Buildings | NYSERDA

Empowered Buildings is a comprehensive energy technology and systems integration company that utilizes data, analytics, and automation tools to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings, reduce carbon emissions and improve tenant comfort.