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Request for Qualifications: From Building Decarbonization Solution Providers For Inclusion in Sustainable Westchester’s Preferred Vendor List

By Our Blog

Sustainable Westchester’s Building Decarbonization: Commercial Properties and Network Program aims to develop a vetted list of preferred solution providers to recommend to our clients. We seek submissions detailing your qualifications for consideration to decarbonize buildings across our member municipalities.

We welcome qualifications from providers who offer the following solutions:

● Thermal Energy Networks
● Geothermal
● Air Source Heat Pumps
● Building Envelope
● Thermal Storage
● Waste Heat Recovery
● Heat Pump Hot Water Heaters/Desuperheaters
● Induction Stovetops
● Overcladding
● Building Controls/EMS

Unsure if your solution qualifies? Reach out to us.

Important Dates:
Written RFQ Questions are due no later than May 5, 2023.
RFQ submission deadline is May 26, 2023.

For full RFQ details and the submission form click here. RFQ submissions and/or questions should be emailed as a .pdf to Rachel Carpitella, Program Director, Sustainable Westchester, [email protected].

Lauren Brois and Dan Welsh from Sustainable Westchester on The Many Shades of Green Podcast

By Our Blog

Episode Published on April 13, 2023

Lauren Brois, Director of EnergySmart Homes, and Dan Welsh, Director of Westchester Power, spoke with Maxine Margo Rubin about the GridRewards 2023 season and more!

Listen to the Episode Here!
Episodes are available on Spotify, iTunes, and

About The Many Shades of Green Podcast
Broadcast veterans Maxine Margo Rubin and Malcolm Burman welcome guests who share stories of positive progress about the environment.

Earth Day Events Calendar 2023

By past events

Check out our Earth Day Events page for a list of events happening around the county in April and May! The list is continually being updated with new events.

Click the green button at the top of our page or click on the link below:


Westchester Power Program Information Sessions

By past events

Westchester Power Program Information Sessions

Learn more about your community energy program and get your questions answered!

Yonkers Residents
Tuesday March 7th
Noon on Zoom
7pm on Zoom

NYSEG Customers in: Bedford, Lewisboro, North Salem, Pound Ridge, and Somers
Wednesday March 8th
Noon on Zoom
7pm on Zoom

Annual Members Meeting 2023 – With Video Recording

By past events

Date of event: February 15, 2023

The Annual Members Meeting invited Sustainable Westchester’s member municipalities, partners, and supporters to join us to recap the previous year.

Member municipalities elected two new Board Members to begin a 2023 term.

The staff gave a presentation on the organization’s current and future projects.


Watch the full presentation here. Video is time stamped for easy viewing.

View the PowerPoint presentation slides here

Dan Welsh Guest Appearance on WRCR AM 1700: Tough Times with Lou Young – Saturday, January 14, 2023

By Our Blog, Westchester Power

WRCR radio host Lou Young interviews several energy industry professionals about the nature of Community Choice Aggregation programs (CCAs) and their thoughts on the current state and future of the energy market. Westchester Power Program Director Dan Welsh is a guest interviewee on the episode.

The episode aired live on Saturday, January 14, 2023, and is now available on Spotify.

Listen to the episode on Spotify!

Dan is introduced at 20:35.

Westchester Power Info Sessions for Newly Eligible Customers

By past events

Did you recently receive a letter in the mail from Westchester Power? Have questions about how Westchester Power will work for you? Please join one of our information sessions.

Newly eligible customers are receiving notices through the mail in mid-January notifying them about their pre-enrollment status for Westchester Power that would bring them into the program on their first meter read date in March. Newly Eligible customers are people who have recently moved into their residence and opened a utility account, have exited an electricity agreement with a private ESCO, or are somehow otherwise eligible.

At the time of the event, click on the link below to open up the zoom session. You may want to make a note on your calendar about the session.

Tuesday 1/31
NYSEG @ 12 Noon:
NYSEG @ 7:00pm:

Wednesday 2/1
Yonkers @ 12 Noon:
Yonkers @ 7:00pm:

Thursday 2/2
ConEd @ 12 Noon:
ConEd @ 7:00pm:

Sesión de Información Comunitaria en Español
jueves 2/2 a las 7:00pm:


THESE ARE PAST EVENTS. Please refer back to the events page for updates on upcoming Westchester Power information sessions. 

La Mora Affordable Housing: Investing in and Serving the Community Through Clean Energy Leadership – Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – 11:30AM-1:00PM Webinar on Zoom

By past events

La Mora Affordable Housing: Investing in and Serving the Community Through Clean Energy Leadership
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
11:30AM-1:00PM Webinar on Zoom

Come learn about the decision making and design processes to make La Mora, the Municipal Housing Authority of the City of Yonkers’ newest senior affordable housing project, a reality complete with passive house design including clean heating and cooling.

The 60-unit, 4-story all-electric complex is co-developed by MHACY and the Mulford Corporation, and is located at 23 Mulberry Street. Hear from the project team including Perkins Eastman, Steven Tilly, Mulford Corporation, and MHACY, about why they decided to build a net-zero ready project, how they coordinated a team of experts to design it, and what the critical design elements entailed.

Learn about how they leveraged the EnergyStar Multifamily New Construction program followed as part of the HCR funding requirements to lower operating costs, increase indoor air quality, and optimize tenant comfort.

Webinar attendees who operate, own, develop, or design affordable housing will leave the event with state, utility, and federal government resources to help them decarbonize existing buildings and design new multifamily projects for our fossil fuel-free 21st century economy.

This is a past event. Video recording coming soon.

Vote Yes on Prop 1 for Clean Water And Jobs

By News & Noteworthy

Flip the Ballot on November 8 and Vote YES
for New York’s Safe and Healthy Future

A Message From the Sustainable Westchester Board



Sustainable Westchester stands with our Westchester neighbors—and all New Yorkers—in protecting this beautiful State. That is why we call on all voters to flip the ballot on November 8 and vote YES for New York’s safe and healthy future.

The $4.2 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act will propel New York forward as a climate leader while upgrading critical infrastructure and equipping New Yorkers with essential tools to live and work in this new world created by our changing climate.

The list of investments embodied in the Act is unprecedented in scope and breadth and is projected to result in $8.7 billion in total project spending, spurring economic activity throughout the State. It touches all New Yorkers and regions and includes funds for the following improvements:

  • Supporting job creation. Per a recent analysis of its direct and leveraged benefits, the Act is poised to support upwards of as many as 84,000 new jobs in numerous sectors and across all geographic regions of NY State.
  • Updating aging and unsafe infrastructure, including the repair of roads, sewer systems, and drinking water pipes, along with retrofitting buildings to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Protecting public health through clean water and air improvements. The Act will provide roughly $200 million in funding for wastewater infrastructure repairs and upgrades, and up to $200 million more to reduce water pollution. Up to $500 million will be allocated for the expansion of a fleet of zero-emissions school buses.
  • Advancing environmental justice by requiring at least 35 percent of total funding be spent in disadvantaged communities to improve air and water quality, reduce urban heat, decarbonize buildings, and expand open spaces in urban centers.
  • Creating safe and clean outdoor spaces for all to enjoy by increasing urban tree plantings, access to parks, nature centers, campgrounds, and public waterfronts. The Act will also provide much-needed funds for open space land and farmland conservation.
  • Restoration and flood mitigation projects. The Act envisions $1.1 billion in funding to support coastal and shoreline rehabilitation projects, along with flood mitigation and resiliency upgrades for coastal and inland communities.

If passed, the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act’s social, economic, and environmental benefits will provide long-term, sustainable protections against the growing threats of climate change for future generations of New Yorkers while providing critical benefits to all New Yorkers now.


Your Ballot, Candidate Info & Forums, Voter Registration Info, & more.

Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling Roundtable: Funds for Advanced Efficiency Projects and Growth for HVAC Businesses, NYSERDA’s Real Time Energy Management Opportunities

By past events

This is a past event. Watch the Video Recording Here.

Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling Roundtable: Funds for Advanced Efficiency Projects and Growth for HVAC Businesses, NYSERDA’s Real Time Energy Management Opportunities

Tuesday Nov 1, 2022
11am – 1pm
Hosted by Rachel Carpitella, Program Director of Clean Heating and Cooling, Sustainable Westchester

Join the conversation around Real Time Energy Management (RTEM) to learn about the tools available to improve building performance as we transition to a clean heating and cooling standard. RTEM’s effectiveness is in the powerful combination of automated technology and human services which operate together to provide a valuable tool to increase efficiency & reliability when operating new heat pumps. RTEM continuously collects live energy performance data in a cloud-based system, where it is analyzed in order to provide concrete and actionable energy conservation recommendations, which boosts the bottom line, grants real-time visibility into equipment performance, improves reliability while preserving staff knowledge, and frees your staff from routine monitoring.

NYSERDA’s Cody Glavey-Weiss will present two opportunities for technical assistance and funding to implement RTEM.

  • NYSERDA is offering a 33 percent cost-share incentive for RTEM+Tenant project expenses, and a 30% cost-share for Commercial Small Businesses. These include hardware, installation, and up to three years of ongoing support from energy experts. That means that up to 33 percent of all eligible costs are covered upfront, so you won’t pay full price or have to wait for rebates.
  • Solution providers will be able to learn how to become a Qualified Vendor for the RTEM+Tenant and RTEM Small Business programs.

Thank You to Our Sponsors: Empowered Buildings | NYSERDA

Empowered Buildings is a comprehensive energy technology and systems integration company that utilizes data, analytics, and automation tools to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings, reduce carbon emissions and improve tenant comfort.